Functional GYN
Health Services
T, Th, F - 8:00?AM–1:00?PM
Wed - 2:00 PM-7:00 PM
Sat - 10:00 AM-3:00 PM
About Us
What is functional medicine/ alternative medicine/ integrative medicine or holistic medicine?
These are all names used for a 360 degree approach to complete wellness. Wellness does not come from throwing solutions at symptoms, it comes from recognizing the symptoms as a cause of something deeper and solving that problem.
Remember, our body or its organs are all interconnected, so are the symptoms. So, why throw only one solution at the problem and hope that it will all go away??
We need to approach everything with a complete, wholesome, and a ground up approach so that we can get to the root cause of the problem and then help heal our bodies, soul and brain and be truly well from inside out.
Dr. Adeeti Gupta has combined her knowledge of western medicine with her Indian roots and has designed custom protocols to help women fight the various ailments and come out victorious.
Integrative medicine utilizes a foundational approach that involved lifestyle, diet, alternative therapies (herbal, hormonal, acupuncture etc.) combined with social and mental wellness support.