MIDWAY Car Rental
Automobile - RentalAutomobile - Detailing/CleaningAutomobile - LeasingAutomobile Driving SchoolsAutomobiles - Audio & Video SystemsAutomotive Body, Paint & Interior R&MAutomotive Body/Paint/Interior & Glass RepairAutomotive Dealer - NewAutomotive Dealer - UsedAutomotive Exhaust System RepairAutomotive Mechnical & Electrical R&MAutomotive Parts, Accessories & Tire StoresAutomotive R&MAutomotive Transmission RepairBus Transportation, Interurban & RuralCharter Bus IndustryInland Water Freight TransportationLimousine ServiceMotor Vehicle & Parts DealersMotor Vehicle DealersMotorcycle & Boat & Other Motor Vehicle DealersRecreational Vehicle DealersRoad Transportation Support ActivitiesRV Parks & Recreational CampsState of CaliforniaTransportation Equip/Supplies (except MV) WholesalTransportation Services
- 8931 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills CA 90211
- (909) 234-1814
- (310) 445-4368
- Send Email
- http://www.midwaycarrental.com
Monday-Friday : 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
Sat. & Sun.: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Driving Directions:
We are located on the corner of La Peer and Wilshire.
About Us
Midway Car Rental is the largest independently owned car rental company in Los Angeles. Since 1972, Midway has been serving the Southern California market with emphasis on the greater Los Angeles area. We have developed an award-winning brand based on unparalleled service, an amazing fleet of cars, a personalized approach, and a team that is passionate about everything we do.
Midway was founded on the values of relationships and personalized service. We are always striving to exceed the needs of our clients and continuously raise the bar for service, always saying “Yes.” To take this even further, we genuinely care about our community and do what we can to make a difference with ‘Midway Gives Back.’
The Midway tradition started in 1958 when the Hankey Family owned 25% of Midway Ford. Midway Car Rental began as a complimentary business extension of Midway Ford, providing car rental service to Midway Ford customers. Today, Midway is a proud member of the Hankey Group of companies overseen by Don Hankey. With assets over $18 billion, The Hankey Group businesses include automotive, financial services, real estate, technology services and insurance.